We Create Peace of Mind
A donation to the Benevolent Care Fund will directly support the Covenant Living community you designate. A contribution to the Fund is a contribution to the fellowship of your community. Your support enables your friends and neighbors to continue to Live with Promise in their Covenant Living communities. Below are some of the ways you can donate to the Benevolent Care Fund.

Credit Card
Click here to donate by credit card. Make a one-time gift to help residents in need, or become a monthly donor for the greatest impact.
By Phone
Click here for contact information to make a gift to your community of choice.
Checks may be mailed to the Central Office, or click here to make a gift to your community of choice.
Stocks, Bonds, Funds
To ensure proper crediting and distribution of your gift, please ask your broker to note your name on the gift, fill out the form and return it to Giving@CovLiving.org.
Planned Giving, Wills, Trusts
To complete a Declaration of Future Intent, please click here, fill out the form and return it to Giving@CovLiving.org.
Click here to learn more about planned giving.
Payroll Deduction
Please speak with your philanthropy contact if you would like to make a gift through a voluntary deduction by way of Workday payroll.